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Physical Therapist

Beth Morin, PT, LMT
 Licenses and Certifications:

- Licensed Physical Therapist 

- Licensed Massage Therapist

- Certified Functional Strength  Coach (CFSC)

- Certified WeightLifting Performance Coach (CWPC)

- Certified Speed and Agility Coach (CSAC)

- Certified in Dry Needling

- Emergency Medical  Responder

Extensive Training in Movement Analysis, utilizing FMS,  SFMA, Y-      Balance, and a variety  of other  Jump, Squat, and  Agility Evaluations.

- Trained at Michigan State  University at the College of  Osteopathic        and Manipulative  Medicine.


 Education History:

Masters' Degree in Physical  Therapy (American    International  College),

Bachelors'  Degree  in Therapeutic  Recreation (Springfield  College), Bachelors' Degree in  Human Nutrition (UMASS),  Massage Therapy Certification  (Greenfield Community College).

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